Archive for August, 2011

 Ser'Darius Blain

Date of Interview: 08/09/2011

Ser’Darius Blain is a 2009 graduate of the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts. After six callbacks, he landed his first major project: Footloose, a remake of the 1984 classic. Cast in the role of “Woody,” Ser’Darius Blain stars alongside Dennis Quaid and Andy McDowell.

In the midst of a promotional campaign for Footloose, Ser’Darius Blain managed to squeeze some time out of his busy schedule in order to settle down for an interview with Clayton Perry – reflecting on his long battle with shyness, the importance of a multicultural upbringing, and the valuable knowledge derived from his mother’s artistry.


Every year or so, a beloved title from the New York Times’ Best Seller List is greenlit for the royal Hollywood treatment. This fate is not always for the best. In fact, the proverbial glass is often half-empty. For every critical darling, there is also an ill-portrayed pariah.  Thus, adaptations, like any surgery, must be done with great care.
